Thursday, September 30, 2010

Today's Snack Adventure: Granola Bars!

As the end of the first block (and finals) are upon us, stress is in the air. How do we fix stress? 

With snacks! 

Healthy, yummy, brain food snacks are even better. So today, I got it in my head that I absolutely had to make homemade granola bars to feed the stressed out brain of my husband. (Although it was more me forcing a snack on him while he studied...)

I had a few requirements though..

1. I only wanted to use ingredients we already had at home. 
2. I wanted them to taste good and not like hard granola rocks.
3. I didn't want to bake them.

The result was a delicious blend of happiness in the form of a chewy, crunchy bar that took limited time to make, and set in the fridge. 

They were good enough that by the time I took the picture we had already eaten 3 of the original 12 bars. 

Oops ;)

Why not blog about it?

As we begin our lives as a married couple, a lot more has changed than just my last name....

About a month after our nuptials we packed up what has become a mountain of belongings and headed hours away from family and friends so my lovely groom could begin medical school. While I am not only fully supportive but also incredibly proud of my husbands aspirations in the world of medicine, for me it unfortunately means job what is (as everyone knows) a less than desirable economy and thus job market.

With little luck (yet) finding a job where I can actually put my Bachelor's in Studio Art/Art History to use, I have found a different creative outlet. COOKING. So as I continue to seek gainful (and hopefully gratifying) employment I will continue to creating new and delicious meals to not only satisfy my need for creativity, but also as a way for my husband and me to have at least a few relaxing and enjoyable moments together in what can be a very stressful time in his (and thus my) life.

So, I figure...why not blog about it?