Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday's Adventure and Sunday Dinner

** Another post NOT completely devoted to food **
(Shocking, I know!)

Yesterday we were again blessed with beautiful weather. The warm air and sun made it feel like summer.... until you looked around at the trees. We went on another long walk by the river where there were gorgeous, fragrant roses blooming (above picture). 

It has been wonderful having this warm weather in October and we are trying to take advantage of it before we are slammed with cold.

I really had the itch to go swimming, which is pretty much not possible around here...and probably not extremely appropriate for October either. 

With that said I could not resist sticking my feet in the water as we walked along the river:

My dear husband was much smarter than I was and decided to stay back, as he did not have the urge to tromp through mud to stick his foot in river water as I did...

I was quite pleased with my toe-dipping experience at first....until I discovered how thick and sticky the mud on my feet was. When I got back to the path I realized there was no amount of shuffling in the grass that was going to get this mud off...

However, with these dirty toes we continued our adventure. We knew there was a recreation area just across the river and I figured I could wash the mud off my feet in the bathroom there. So, I trudged on. When we arrived, I was saddened to discover that the bathrooms/drinking fountains had been closed down for the year already. 

What to do??

Well, the recreation area continued across the street so we followed a path there...and after quite a while decided to climb a hill to see how far we were from things. At the top of the hill we saw another set of restrooms. 


We got there, and they were - of course - LOCKED. 

However, to my EXTREME delight, there was a functioning drinking fountain. Being the respectful person that I am, I did NOT stick my feet anywhere near the actual fountain. I instead scooped handfuls of water and scrubbed. As I was nearly finished an older couple road by on bikes and gave me a very dirty look. At this point though, I didn't really care. I had clean feet again :)

Here is a picture of my wonderful husband (who puts up with all of my shenanigans) on top of that fateful hill where the rescue for my sad, mud-caked toes was found:

He is so cute (and probably thinking, "what on earth is she going to do next?").

After a few crazy hours out we had a lovely movie night with some chili powder-garlic-tobasco popcorn. Yum!

Today was not so eventful, but still a wonderful day. 

For dinner I made us a Shrimp Shepherds Pie, and it was pretty delicious:

The lovely layer of mashed potatoes sits atop a creamy inside and is all finished off with some cheddar cheese. Sometime I will have to make the real shepherds pie....but this kind is pretty darn good :)

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